RaaD Movies, News and Technology

Dany's RaaD Roundup

Around the Net Olivia Munn Plays MushMouth!

Olivia Munn playboy photo taken by Brie Childers

I know it may be hard to tell from the above pic, but Olivia Munn is kind of a geek. She co-hosts Attack of the Show and their Friday (3/28) Around the Net segment was HILARIOUS! Get to the funny directly by clicking here and watch the video, especially if you start from the 2:36 mark. The game is called MushMouth and watching Olivia and Kevin Pereira play had me cracking up.

Thanks to The Bastardly for the above pic, if you want more pics of Olivia, get the rest from this great Brie Childers photo shoot, which are about as safe for work as this one is, from Playboy After Hours and subscribe to Around the Net here.



Oh, here’s the commercial from the imponderables

March 31, 2008 10:48 pm Posted by | art, clips, commercials, crazy celebs, photography, podcasts, tv | 4 Comments

Blonde Doesn’t Understand Sexual Euphemisms

This is a funny video from the group Man in the Box called Blonde Doesn’t Understand Sexual Euphemisms. I found it from G4‘s Around the Net (get the podcast here) segment of AOTS. It made me laugh, check it out.


March 30, 2008 5:48 pm Posted by | clips, podcasts, tv | Leave a comment

Sweded Star Wars: A New Hope

I found this sweded Star Wars: A New Hope video from the latest Diggnation episode. It was inspired by the movie Be Kind Rewind. It is hilarious, especially when pieces of X-Wing start falling off! What’s also great is that it’s less than 2 minutes long and basically hits all the big points from the film.


March 30, 2008 5:27 pm Posted by | clips, movies, podcasts, technology | Leave a comment

Pixeloo Shows What Cartoon Characters Would Look Like in the Flesh

After watching the latest Geekbrief.tv, I found out what Homer Simpson and Mario Mario would look like if they were real flesh and bone humans you could meet on the street from artist Pixeloo… warning, these pictures are awesome but creepy as hell!

Enjoy, if you can handle things getting WAY too real…


March 30, 2008 3:17 am Posted by | art, cartoons, podcasts, technology, toons, tv | 4 Comments

$1 Buses From New York City to Either Boston or Washington DC!?!?

After living my entire life in NYC, I went to college in Washington DC and have traveled back and forth every possible way imaginable, by car, bus, train and plane. I used to be able to get one way flights for $41(!) as a student, but that Delta Shuttle deal didn’t last too long and more recently, I’ve mainly just taken cheap buses (like Washington Deluxe) when I’ve wanted to take trips to either Boston or back to Washington DC, where most of my friends are living at the moment.

I was talking with my grandfather today and he told me to check out the NY Times, they reported on 3/25 that two different companies announcing their new bus lines by offering trips between NYC and Boston/Washington DC for… $1!The two companies are BoltBus (a division of Greyhound) and MegaBus (part of Coach USA) and both will offer new buses with more comfortable seats, more legroom, free wireless internet and electrical plugs for your personal electronics (laptops, cell phone/mp3 chargers, portable dvd players, etc).

To get the $1 fares, you need to reserve your tickets online, two weeks in advance, from their prospective websites, but Megabus.com wants to make an even more enticing offer, if you make reservations to travel between May 30 and June 5, they’re offering free tickets! I think I know where I’m going to be heading for the next couple of long weekends now!

Here’s a video news story about this deal from Boston.com

Thanks to Neoows.com for the above pic.



*September 9th Update* This past weekend I got back from a day trip to Philadelphia. I took Bolt Bus down to Philly from NYC and MegaBus back to NYC later that night because of scheduling. If you have the option, DEFINITELY choose Bolt Bus over MegaBus EVERY time. Bolt Bus left on time and arrived early, with comfortable seats that had 110volt plugs for electronic devices. In contrast, on the ride home, I tried to catch the earlier bus than the one I originally scheduled, only to find out that that earlier bus never arrived (even though Megabus’ customer service telephone agents kept saying that the bus would be arriving soon) and the dozen or so people who were waiting for that earlier bus had to wait over 2 hours to get on the last scheduled bus for the night. Suffice it to say, that later bus was not as comfortable and didn’t offer power plugs for passengers, since this was an older Coach USA bus. Considering that I paid the same rate for both Bolt and Megabus, Bolt was a vastly superior experience.

March 30, 2008 12:44 am Posted by | Boston, DC, New York, NYC, technology, travel, Washington, Washington DC | 6 Comments

JC Hutchins Interviews Scott Sigler for The UltraCreatives

Two of the biggest podcast novelists come together in the latest episode of JC Hutchins‘ show, The UltraCreatives, where he interviews extremely interesting and… creative people in the tech community. Some of his previous amazing interviews were with Mur Lafferty, Guy Kawasaki, Jason Calacanis, but this week, he interviewed Scott Sigler! Sigler is probably THE best known podcast novelist. He has released at least five books for free as free audiobook podcasts (Earthcore, Ancestor, Infection [now called Infected], The Rookie, The BloodCast short stories and is currently releasing chapters of Nocturnal) on a week by week basis.

Sigler is releasing Infected in bookstores on April 1st, preorder a copy or 9 now at Amazon, it is totally worth supporting a great author who understands his fans and who keeps releasing great stories.

Thanks to Tee Morris for the above pic. Also, get JC Hutchins‘ novel 7th Son here.


March 29, 2008 1:17 pm Posted by | audiobooks, books, podcasts | 1 Comment

Apple Software Update is PISSING ME OFF!!

I thought it was a fluke or just a marketing ploy, but now that it has happened twice, Apple‘s corporate methods are really pissing me off.

I use the Apple Software Update tool on Windows to keep my copies of Quicktime and iTunes up to date. Last week though, Apple tried to push an installation for their Safari v3.0 browser. Now, I use the update tool to keep my current software up to date, not to get advertised new software to download… especially not a 4th web browser! Having Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera is more than enough for me.

Now, a week later, after NOT downloading Safari 3.o, Apple just popped up an offer for Safari 3.1, with the pitch:

“Safari for Windows is the fastest and easiest-to-use web browser for the PC. It displays web pages faster than any other browser and is filled with innovative features — all delivered in an efficient and elegant user interface.

For more information on Safari 3.1, please visit http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=307467

Apple, if you are listening, STOP DOING THIS! I don’t want to have to opt out of getting new software to download, if you want to offer new software, make me opt IN! Even Microsoft has stopped using this style of tactics recently, for Microsoft‘s last Microsoft Update, they wanted me to download their Silverlight software, but it was offered in with a whole bunch of other downloads… the difference with Silverlight though, if I wanted to download it, I would have had to check the box to opt into the download.

Now, I have NO inclination to even TRY Safari! If Apple was a computer company with a larger market share, this type of tactic would get Apple in a LOT of trouble with anti-competitive tactics.

Thanks to All Things New for the above pic AND the similar feelings on the issue that I read after I wrote this, looking for a good photo to use for this post. Also, check out this HILARIOUS article from The Register, which maintains that Apple‘s own Safari License Agreement does not allow you to legally install Safari on a non-Apple-labeled (ie: Windows) machine, when I read it, I made sure to read the Safari 3.1 for Windows License Agreement for myself and verified that this was STILL the case! I LOVE it!


March 26, 2008 10:37 pm Posted by | apple, software, technology, Windows | 7 Comments

Fun Physics and Good Cops… Amazing

Thanks to this week’s episode of the Digg Reel, I found two things I rarely get to see, physics made interesting and a good, honest to goodness police officer caught on camera!

The first video is a promotion for Walter Lewin‘s amazing lectures he gives yearly at MIT. These lectures were crafted to keep his students having fun throughout learning all the complicated concepts underlying everything in our physical world, but the best part is that these lectures are available online for free from MIT, and also easily available through YouTube and iTunes. Physics I: Classical Mechanics (get it on iTunes or YouTube), Electricity and Magnetism (get it on iTunes or YouTube) and Physics III: Vibrations and Waves (get it on iTunes or YouTube) are all taught by Professor Lewin, who seems both crazy and a whole lot of fun to learn from!

The next video just makes me feel good.

There is always so much news about bad cops, but we rarely hear about police doing a good job and there are a lot more cops doing a good job, they just don’t make the news!

I’m not a huge fan of Jessica Corbin, but this week’s episode of the Digg Reel was hosted by Andrew Bancroft, which was a nice improvement.



March 24, 2008 7:09 pm Posted by | clips, college, lectures, New England, podcasts | 2 Comments

He Needs Me

One of my favorite movies is Punch-Drunk Love, it is by far the best (and most out of character) performances by Adam Sandler. One of the best parts of this film though (for me) is the song on the soundtrack, He Needs Me. What I didn’t know about it though, was that the recording of the song in the film was lifted from the 1980 movie, Popeye, with Shelley Duvall performing the song. It makes me want to get Popeye, even though I have heard that it was not very good and even hurt Robert Altman‘s career.

Thanks to Jedi Girl and Amazon for the above pics.


March 23, 2008 1:39 pm Posted by | clips, dvd, movie reviews, movies, music | 1 Comment

March Robot News via Attack of the Show

Attack of the Show‘s amazingly beautiful and quirky host Olivia Munn gives a great wrap up of all the current public robot projects going on. My favorite is the Modular Snake Robot.

Enjoy the higher quality video here, get the podcast here and thanks to G4TV for the above pic.


March 23, 2008 12:03 am Posted by | clips, podcasts, robots, technology, tv | Leave a comment