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Dany's RaaD Roundup

The Daily Show Roundup for the Week of February 13th

As long as The Daily Show covers politics, politicians, fake news, fake journalism and then blends them all together into something that is somewhere in between fake news and real reporting and makes me laugh, I’m going to keep trying to highlight what they do.

Enjoy their material from this past week of February 13th


Sarah Palin lectures President Obama to stop lecturing people and complains of his use of teleprompters for his speeches while consulting notes she has written on her hand… I’m very confused
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Sorry for a 2nd Sarah Palin story, but comedian Louis Black comments on how she has turned the word “retard” or “retarded” into “the R-word” which makes me sad. I understand that one of her children has been diagnosed with Down’s syndrome, but this is ridiculous, especially if she is only rallying against Rahm Emanuel and not also for Rush Limbaugh
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Senator Richard Shelby shows that time and time again, no matter what party a politician, pork barrel politics trumps hypocrisy
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First, Republicans chide President Obama for going on vacation in the state he was raised in, Hawaii, and for being out of touch with American society for doing this, then the Republican party holds a summit of their own in Hawaii. Not only do they miss how hypocritical this would be, but they also didn’t know any details about the local Hawaiian healthcare system
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Here is an interesting article from the NY Times that highlights the major benefits and hazards surrounding the Hawaiian healthcare system.

Jon Stewart doesn’t so much interview Newt Gingrich as much as they have a political conversation, both asking and answering questions, part1
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Here is the second part of the GingrichStewart conversation
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I don’t understand why President Obama can, without reservation accept an invitation to publicly meet with the Republicans in Congress on their own turf, but when President Obama and the Democrats invite the Republicans to a public meeting of their own, it becomes some sort of conspiracy
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February 14, 2010 3:03 pm Posted by | clips, comedians, DC, medicine, politics, tv, Washington, Washington DC | Leave a comment